A paragraph contains a main idea, supporting details, and a conclusion.
The main idea is what the author wants you to know. Look for the word that is repeated in the text to help you identify the main idea.
A paragraph contains the main idea. It also contains the supporting details: facts, statements, examples that gives more information to help you understand the main idea. Supporting details clarify, explain, expand, illustrate, and elaborate the main idea. The conclusion sentence wraps up what has been said. It is similar to an introduction.
A paragraph is therefore like a burger.

Drawing Conclusions
When you draw conclusion you use: what you have read in the story and what you already know. Putting these two things together help you draw conclusions.
For example: When you read something like this: I sleep in a crib, drink from a bottle, but I cannot walk or talk. You would use what you already know to determine who is “speaking”. You know: babies sleep in cribs, they drink from a bottle, and they cannot walk or talk. So the “speaker” is a baby.
theme of a story
The theme of a story is its underlying message of a story.
These worksheets contain stories that are fun to read and improve the young readers reading comprehension skills. They also teach the young reader valuable moral and ethical lessons.
Click the link to download the worksheet on Main idea, supporting details and conclusion.

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