Lesson 3.11
Closed and Open Syllables
The Six Rules of Syllables
3.11 Word List

1. It is winter. The cold wind whistles through the branches of the trees.
2. Mr. Brown has done his day’s work, and his children, Harry and Kate, have come home from school. They learned their lessons well today, and both feel happy.
3. Tea is over. Mrs. Brown has put the little sitting room in order. The fire burns brightly. One lamp gives light enough for all. On the stool is a basket of fine apples. They seem to say, “Won’t you have one?”
4. Harry and Kate read a story in a new book. The father reads his newspaper, and the mother mends Harry’s stockings.
5. By and by, they will tell one another what they have been reading about, and will have a chat over the events of the day.
6. Harry and Kate’s bedtime will come first. I think I see them kiss their dear father and mother a sweet good night.
7. Do you not wish that every boy and girl could have a home like this?
Lesson 3.12
3.12 Word List

1. The boys have come out on the porch to blow bubbles. The old cat is asleep on the mat by the door.
2. “Ha! ha!” laughs Robert, as a bubble comes down softly on the old cat’s back, and does not burst.
3. Willie tries to make his bubble do the same. This time it comes down on the cat’s face, and makes her sneeze.
4. “She would rather wash her face without soap,” says Harry. “Now let us see who can make the biggest bubble.”
5. “Mine is the biggest,” says Robert. “See how high it floats in the air! I can see—ah! it has burst.”
6. “I can see the house and the trees and the sky in mine,” says Willie; “and such beautiful colours.”
7. “How many, Willie?”
8. “Red, one; blue, two; there—they are all out. Let us try again.”
9. “I know how many colors there are,” says Harry. “Just as many as there are in the rainbow.”
10. “Do you know how many that is?”
Lesson 3.13
3.13 Word List

Dec. 10, 1980.
Dear Santa Claus:
Papa is going to give me a Christmas tree, and he says that you will put nice things on it if I ask you. I would like a toy gun that will shoot, and a rubber ball that I can throw hard, and that will not break Mamma’s windows or the big glass in the parlor.
Now, please don’t forget to come. I live on Fourth St., number ten. I will go to bed at eight o’clock, and shut my eyes tight. I will not look, indeed I won’t.
Your little boy,
Lesson 3.14
3.14 Word List

The Little Star
1. Twinkle, twinkle, little star;
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky!
2. When the blazing sun is set,
And the grass with dew is wet,
Then you show your little light;
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
3. Then, if I were in the dark,
I would thank you for your spark.
I could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.
4. And when I am sound asleep,
Oft you through my window peep;
For you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky.
Lesson 3.15
Review: Open and Closed syllables
3.15 Word List

1. James White has two dogs. One is a Newfoundland dog, and the other is a Scotch terrier.
2. The Newfoundland is a large, noble fellow. He is black, with a white spot, and with long, shaggy hair. His name is Sport.
3. Sport is a good watchdog, and a kind playfellow. Every night he guards the house while James and his father are asleep.
4. In the daytime, James often uses Sport for his horse. He has a little wagon, and a set of small harness which just fits the dog.
5. He hitches Sport to this wagon, and drives over the country. In this way, he can go almost as fast as his father with the old family horse.
6. The name of James’s Scotch terrier is Dodger. He is called Dodger because he jumps about so friskily. He is up on a chair, under the table, behind the door, down cellar, and out in the yard,—all in a minute.
7. Dodger has very bright eyes, and he does many funny things. He likes to put his paws up on the crib, and watch the baby.
8. The other day he took baby’s red stocking, and had great fun with it; but he spoiled it in his play, and James had to scold him.
9. Everyone likes to see James White with his two dogs. They always seem very happy together.
Lesson 3.16
3.16 Word List


1. “Willie, will you run upstairs, and get my needle book from the bureau?”
2. But Willie did not stir. “Willie!” said mamma. She thought he had not heard.
3. “I’m afraid,” said Willie.
4. “Afraid of what?”
5. “It’s dark up there.”
6. “What is the dark?” asked mamma. “See! It is nothing but a shadow.” And she held her hand between the lamp and the workbasket on the table.
7. “Now it is dark in the basket; but as soon as I take my hand away, it is light.”
8. “Come and stand between the lamp and the wall, Willie. See! There is your shadow on the wall. Can your shadow hurt you?”
9. “Oh no, mamma! I am sure it can not hurt me.”
10. “Well, the dark is only a big shadow over everything.”
11. “What makes the big shadow, mamma?”
12. “I will tell you all about that, Willie, when you are a little older. But now, I wish you would find me a brave boy who is not afraid of shadows, to run upstairs and get my needle-book.”
13. “I am brave, mamma. I will go. —Here it is.”
14. “Thank you, my brave little man. You see the dark didn’t hurt you.”