Reading Comprehension Lesson 9


Lesson 3.21

The ICK Word Family


Copy in your notebooks and practice to read aloud.

Beautiful faces are they that wear
The light of a pleasant spirit there;
Beautiful hands are they that do
Deeds that are noble good and true;
Beautiful feet are they that go
Swiftly to lighten another’s woe.

3.21 Word List


1. Baby Bye,
   Here’s a fly;
   We will watch him, you and I.
   How he crawls
   Up the walls,
   Yet he never falls!
   I believe with six such legs
   You and I could walk on eggs.
   There he goes
   On his toes,
   Tickling Baby’s nose.

2. Spots of red
   Dot his head;
   Rainbows on his back are spread;
   That small speck
   Is his neck;
   See him nod and beck!
   I can show you, if you choose,
   Where to look to find his shoes,
   Three small pairs,
   Made of hairs;
   These he always wears.

3. Flies can see
   More than we;
   So how bright their eyes must be!
   Little fly,
   Ope your eye;
   Spiders are near by.
   For a secret I can tell,
   Spiders never use flies well;
   Then away,
   Do not stay.
   Little fly, good day.


Reading Lessons 9-1 (Bye)


-ick Word family



Suffix ED

3.22 Word List


1. Puss, with her three kittens, had lived in the coal cellar; but one day she thought she would carry them to the attic.

2. The servant thought that was not the proper place for them; so she carried them back to the cellar.


3. Puss was certain that she wanted them in the attic; so she carried them there again and again, five, six, seven, —yes, a dozen times; for each time the servant took them back to the cellar.

4. Poor puss was nearly tired out, and could carry them no longer.

tired cat

5. Suddenly she went away. Where do you think she went?

6. She was gone a long time. When she returned, she had a strange cat with her that we had never seen before.

7. She seemed to tell him all about her great trouble, and he listened to her story.

8. Then the strange cat took the little kittens, one by one, and carried them to the attic. After this he went away, and we have never seen him since.

9. The servant then left the kittens in the attic, for she saw how anxious puss was to have them stay there.

10. Was not the strange cat kind to puss? This lesson should teach children to be ever ready to help one another.


Reading Lessons – Puss and Kittens



3.23 Word List


1. Once there was a little kitty,
     White as the snow;
   In a barn he used to frolic,
     Long time ago.

2. In the barn a little mousie
     Ran to and fro;
   For she heard the little kitty,
     Long time ago.

3. Two black eyes had little kitty,
     Black as a crow;
   And they spied the little mousie,
     Long time ago.

4. Four soft paws had little kitty,
     Paws soft as snow;
   And they caught the little mousie,
     Long time ago.

5. Nine pearl teeth had little kitty,
     All in a row;
   And they bit the little mousie,
     Long time ago.

6. When the teeth bit little mousie,
     Mousie cried out “Oh!”
   But she slipped away from kitty,
     Long time ago.

Kitty and Mousie
Kitty’s paw
cat’s teeth


Lesson 3.24

Word family – ed

3.24 Word List


1. A little play does not harm any one, but does much good. After play, we should be glad to work.

2. I knew a boy who liked a good game very much. He could run, swim, jump, and play ball; and was always merry when out of school.

3. But he knew that time is not all for play; that our minutes, hours, and days are very precious.

4. At the end of his play, he would go home. After he had washed his face and hands, and brushed his hair, he would help his mother, or read in his book, or write upon his slate.

5. He used to say, “One thing at a time.” When he had done with work, he would play; but he did not try to play and to work at the same time.

wash face
wash hands


Lesson 3.25

How to read CK

3.25 Word List


By Alice Cary

1. Why do you come to my apple tree,
     Little bird so gray?
   Twit-twit, twit-twit, twit-twit-twee!
     That was all he would say.

2. Why do you lock your rosy feet
     So closely round the spray?
   Twit-twit, twit-twit, twit-tweet!
     That was all he would say.

3. Why on the topmost bough do you get,
     Little bird so gray?
   Twit-twit-twee! twit-twit-twit!
     That was all he would say.

4. Where is your mate? come, answer me,
     Little bird so gray.
   Twit-twit-twit! twit-twit-twee!
     That was all he would say.


Reading Lessons – What a Bird

Reading Lessons – Review

Two-syllable Words:


Question: How many two-syllable words do you see in list above?


1. Susie Sunbeam was not her real name; that was Susan Brown. But every one called her Susie Sunbeam, because she had such a sweet, smiling face, and always brought brightness with her when she came.

2. Her grandfather first gave her this name, and it seemed to fit the little girl so nicely that soon it took the place of her own.

3. Even when a baby, Susie laughed and crowed from morning till night. No one ever heard her cry unless she was sick or hurt.

4. When she had learned to walk, she loved to go about the house and get things for her mother, and in this way save her as many steps as she could.

5. She would sit by her mother’s side for an hour at a time, and ask her ever so many questions, or she would take her new book and read.

6. Susie was always pleasant in her play with other children. She never used an unkind word, but tried to do whatever would please her playmates best.

7. One day, a poor little girl with a very ragged dress was going by and Susie heard some children teasing her and making fun of her.

8. She at once ran out to the gate, and asked the poor little girl to come in. “What are you crying for?” Susie asked.

9. “Because they all laugh at me,” she said.

10. Then Susie took the little girl into the house. She cheered her up with kind words, and gave her a nice dress and a pair of shoes.

11. This brought real joy and gladness to the poor child, and she, too, thought that Susie was rightly called Sunbeam.




Reading Lesson – Susie Sunbeam



1. “If I were a sunbeam,
     I know what I’d do;
   I would seek white lilies,
     Roaming woodlands through.
   I would steal among them,
     Softest light I’d shed,
   Until every lily
     Raised its drooping head.

2. “If I were a sunbeam,
     I know where I’d go;
   Into lowly hovels,
     Dark with want and woe:
   Till sad hearts looked upward,
     I would shine and shine;
   Then they’d think of heaven,
     Their sweet home and mine.”

3. Are you not a sunbeam,
     Child, whose life is glad
   With an inner brightness
     Sunshine never had?
   Oh, as God has blessed you,
     Scatter light divine!
   For there is no sunbeam
     But must die or shine.





1. Henry was a kind, good boy. His father was no longer alive, and his mother was very poor. He had a little sister about two years old.

2. He wanted to help his mother, for she could not always earn enough to buy food for her little family.


3. One day, a man gave him a dollar for finding a pocketbook which he had lost.

pocketbook with money

4. Henry might have kept all the money, for no one saw him when he found it. But his mother had taught him to be honest, and never to keep what did not belong, to him.

5. With the dollar he bought a box, three brushes, and some blacking. He then went to the corner of the street, and said to every one whose boots did not look nice, “Black your boots, sir, please?”

6. He was so polite that gentlemen soon began to notice him, and to let him black their boots. The first day he brought home fifty cents, which he gave to his mother to buy food with.

7. When he gave her the money, she said, as she dropped a tear of joy, “You are a dear, good boy, Henry. I did not know how I could earn enough to buy bread with, but now I think we can manage to get along quite well,”

8. Henry worked all the day, and went to school in the evening. He earned almost enough to support his mother and his little sister.


Bootblack -(Old American) a person employed to polish boots and shoes (also known as a shoe shiner or boot polisher).
Blacking – black paste or polish, especially that used on shoes.


Reading Lesson – Henry The Bootblack


tread, whisper, softly, talk, cheerful, careful


Baby sleeps, so we must tread
Softly round her little bed,
And be careful that our toys
Do not fall and make a noise.

We must not talk, but whisper low,
Mother wants to work, we know,
That, when father comes to tea,
All may neat and cheerful be.


whisper (talking softly)


Lesson 3.35

full, load, heavy, middle, heavier, slip, wrong, handle, brother, deceived


1. A boy was once sent from home to take a basket of things to his grandmother.

2. The basket was so full that it was very heavy. So his little brother went with him, to help carry the load.

3. They put a pole under the handle of the basket, and each then took hold of an end of the pole. In this way they could carry the basket very nicely.

4. Now the older boy thought, “My brother Tom does not know about this pole.

5. “If I slip the basket near him, his side will be heavy, and mine light; but if the basket is in the middle of the pole, it will be as heavy for me as it is for him.

6. “Tom does not know this as I do. But I will not do it. It would be wrong, and I will not do what is wrong.”

7. Then he slipped the basket quite near his own end of the pole. His load was now heavier than that of his little brother.

8. Yet he was happy; for he felt that he had done right. Had he deceived his brother, he would not have felt at all happy.
