
Synonyms for responsibility authority, control, power, management, duty, influence.
Linking article: Social Responsibility
Responsibility is the characteristic that is based on obligation. A person who is responsible: obeys home, school and safety rules; uses self-control; is self-disciplined; is dependable; makes informed decisions; shows perseverance; sets goals, and contributes to the good of the whole.
In other words, being responsible means doing things you’re supposed to do. It’s like following rules at home, school, and when playing with your friends. You have to be a good listener, use your manners, and be careful to stay safe. Responsible people know how to control their emotions and focus on what’s important. They always try their best and never give up, even when things get tough. They also like to help others and make the world a better place!
Rules and Responsibility
Rules ensure peace, harmony and productivity. Do you know what’s super important? Rules! They’re like magic spells that keep everything happy and working smoothly. You gotta follow rules, or else chaos breaks loose and people start doing crazy things that can be really uncool for others. Rules make sure everyone knows what to do, how to act, and become super responsible. So, always remember – rules rule!
Standards of Responsibility
Let’s do our best job ever! We must make sure our part is super important and we do it really, really well. And guess what? Everyone will be so happy and impressed with us if we go the extra mile!
Consequences For Being Irresponsible
You have to want to be responsible. A responsible person accepts his/her consequences (success or failure) of their actions. You have to be a big girl/boy and be responsible! That means you gotta own up to what you do, even if it’s good or bad. When you’re responsible, people know they can count on you and trust you. But if you’re not responsible, nobody can trust you. You might blame other people for your mistakes and that’s not honest. So, be a good person and take responsibility for your actions!
Everyone must accept be responsible for their actions (at home, at school, or in the community). Get the book above in Amazon; click on the link.
Read the Story below and think about the action of the character.
Amy was a dear little girl, but she was too apt to waste time in getting ready to do her tasks, instead of doing them at once as she ought. In the village in which she lived, Mr. Thornton kept a store where he sold fruit of all kinds, including berries in their season.
One day he said to Amy, whose parents were quite poor, “Would you like to earn some money? ”
“Oh, yes,” replied she, “for I want some new shoes, and papa has no money to buy them with.”
“Well, Amy,” said Mr. Thorhton, “I noticed some fine, ripe blackberries in Mr. Green’s pasture to-day, and he said that anybody was welcome to them. I will pay you thirteen cents a quart for all you will pick for me.” Amy was delighted at the thought of earning some money; so she ran home to get a basket, intending to go immediately to pick the berries.
Then she thought she would like to know how much money she would get if she picked five quarts. With the help of her slate and pencil, she found out that she would get sixty-five cents. “But supposing I should pick a dozen quarts,” thought she, “how much should I earn then?”
“Dear me,” she said, after figuring a while, “I should earn a dollar and fifty-six cents.” Amy then found out what Mr. Thornton would pay her for fifty, a hundred, and two hundred quarts. It took her some time to do this, and then it was so near dinner time that she had to stay at home until afternoon.
As soon as dinner was over, she took her basket and hurried to the pasture. Some boys had been there before dinner, and all the ripe berries were picked. She could not find enough to fill a quart measure. As Amy went home, she thought of what her teacher had often told her—”Do your task at once; then think about it,” for “one doer is worth a hundred dreamers.”
Discussion Questions
Look at the video below. Then answer the question below. You can get this book (David Goes to School) on Amazon as well. Click on this link.
- Why do we need rules in school?
- What consequences are there for being irresponsible at school?
- Describe three benefits one can have for acting responsibly at school?
Listen to the song about the Rules of the Classroom. Then answer the following questions.
- Why should we follow the rules of the classrooms.
- Why should we be nice to other classmates?
- Name the six rules of the classroom.
- Which rule would help us forge healthy relationships?
- How should we use classroom resources (such as scissors, pencils, and sharpeners)?
How can you help keep the playground and classroom safe?
Making a Decision to Act Responsibly
We all know we must act responsibly. It is expected of us. Read the story below aloud and determine why Fred had to do what he did.
“It’s mine,” said Fred, showing a neat Samsung phone. “Just what I’ve always wanted.” And he turned the prize over and over with evident satisfaction.
“I guess I know who owns it,” said Tom, looking at it with a critical eye.
“I guess you don’t,” was the quick response. “It isn’t Mr. Raymond’s,” said Fred, shooting wide of the mark.
“I know that; Mr. Raymond’s is twice as large,” observed Tom, going on with his drawing lesson.
Do you suppose Fred took any comfort in that phone? Not a bit of comfort did he take. He was conscious all the time of having something in his possession that did not belong to him; and Tom’s suspicion interfered sadly with his enjoyment.
Finally, it became such a torment to him, that he had serious thoughts of burning it, or burying it, or giving it away; but a better plan suggested itself.
“Tom,” said he, one day at recess, “didn’t you say you thought you knew who owned that phone I found?”
“Yes, I did; it looked like Doctor Perry’s.” And Tom ran off to his play, without giving the phone another thought.
Dr. Perry’s! Why, Fred would have time to go to the doctor’s office before recess closed: so he started in haste, and found the old gentleman getting ready to visit a patient. “Is this yours?” cried Fred, in breathless haste, holding up the cause of a week’s anxiety.
“It was,” said the doctor; “but I lost it the other day.”
“I found it,” said Fred, “and have felt like a thief ever since. Here, take it; I’ve got to run.”
“Hold on!” said the doctor. “I’ve got a new one, and you are quite welcome to this.”
“Am I? May I? Oh! thank you!” And with what a different feeling he kept it from that which he had experienced for a week!
Look at the story below. Then answer the questions.
- Why was Mrs. Ortez upset?
- Why did the bunnies did not say anything?
- How did Rosa act responsible?
- Did the other bunnies act responsible? Explain.
- Write two reasons the other bunnies should act responsibly?
Making Informed Choices
Listen to the story below. Then answer the questions that follows. You can get this book (The Bad Seed) on Amazon as well. Click on this link.
- Why is he considered a “Bad” Seed? Give three examples of the “Bad” things the “Bad” Seed does.
- What happened that made the Seed bad?
- What choices did the Seed made that made him bad?
- Discuss the steps the “Bad” Seed made to make an informed choice to not be bad anymore.
Mark, a policeman, finds a youth smoking marijuana at a bus stop. Determine the steps that Mark should take to arrive at the fairest course of action.
You caught your sibling stealing $100 from your mother’s purse. Determine the steps that you should take to arrive at the fairest course of action.
State two possible consequences Vincent will face for cheating in all his exams.
Bullying is a deliberate targeting with intention to humiliate or harm another who is perceived to be weaker, younger, or more vulnerable. It is accompanied with physical aggression (such as kicking, hitting) or relational aggression (such as social exclusion and spreading rumors).
TRUE COURAGE (in the face of Bullying)
One cold winter’s day, three boys were passing by a school. The oldest was a bad boy. always in trouble himself, and trying to get others into trouble. The youngest, whose name was George, was a very good boy. George wished to do right, but was very much wanting in courage. The other boys were named Henry and James.
As they walked along, they talked as follows:
Henry. What fun it would be to throw a snowball against the schoolroom door, and make the teacher and scholars all jump!
James. You would jump, if you should. If the teacher did not catch you and whip you, he would tell your father, and you would get a whipping then; and that would make you jump higher than the scholars, I think.
Henry. Why, we would get so far off, before the teacher could come to the door, that he could not tell who we are. Here is a snowball just as hard as ice, and George would as soon throw it against the door as not.
James. Give it to him, and see. He would not dare to throw it.
Henry. Do you think George is a coward? You do not know him as well as I do. Here, George, take this snowball, and show James that you are not such a coward as he thinks you are.
George. I am not afraid to throw it; but I do not want to. I do not see that it will do any good, or that there will be any fun in it.
James. There! I told you he would not dare to throw it.
Henry. Why, George, are you turning coward? I thought you did not fear anything. Come, save your credit, and throw it. I know you are not afraid.
George. Well, I am not afraid to throw. Give me the snowball. I would as soon throw it as not.
Whack! went the snowball against the door; and the boys took to their heels. Henry was laughing as heartily as he could, to think what a fool he had made of George. George had a whipping for his folly, as he ought to have had. He was such a coward, that he was afraid of being called a coward. He did not dare refuse to do as Henry told him, for fear that he would be laughed at.
If he had been really a brave boy, he would have said, “Henry, do you suppose that I am so foolish as to throw that snowball, just because you want to have me? You may throw your own snowballs, if you please!” Henry would, perhaps, have laughed at him, and called him a coward. But George would have said, “Do you think that 1 care for your laughing? I do not think it right to throw the snowball. I will not do that which 1 think to be wrong, if the whole town should join with you in laughing.” This would have been real courage. Henry would have seen, at once, that it would do no good to laugh at a boy who had so bold a heart. You must have this fearless spirit, or you will get into trouble, and will be, and ought to be, disliked by all.
- How did Mrs. Angela respond to the boys’ bullying?
- How did Carter respond when he notice that the old lady he and his friends bullied was his new neighbour?
- Why didn’t Carter wanted Mrs. Angela to tutor him? How did she convinced him to come for lessons?
- What did Carter learnt from bullying?
- Why did Carter help Mrs. Angela at the end of the story?
- If Mrs. Angela wanted to report the bullying, to whom would she report the bullying?
A friend wants to harm another student after school. Determine the steps that you should take to arrive at the fairest course of action.
Randy’s younger sibling, Tom, is caught taking $200 she had hidden in the chest of drawer. Randy claims he got permission to take it. Tom offers him $50 dollars as well. State two possible consequences Randy will face for failing to assess information before making a judgement.